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  3. Conditions for number transfer
  4. Can I transfer my current number to my employer’s name and take the MUCHO subscription ?
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  4. Can I transfer my current number to my employer’s name and take the MUCHO subscription ?

Can I transfer my current number to my employer’s name and take the MUCHO subscription ?

No, a SIM with a business owner cannot be ported to MUCHO. To port your current mobile number, you must be the legal owner of your number. However, a solution exists. If the number is in the name of your employer, you must first ask your current operator to transfer the ownership of the number to your private name. For this, the signature and the agreement of your employer are necessary. Once your current operator has confirmed that you have become the owner of the mobile number (and no longer your company or employer), then you can request portability of your number by sending us the form in your name completed and signed.

You have not yet ordered your subscription

Here is the procedure to follow:

  1. Order online your MUCHO subscription and select “keep my number”.
  2. At the end of your order, validate your identity.
  3. Your SIM card will be directly activated on the date of portability of your number.

Our quality commitment

  • We will take care of porting with your old operator. You do not need to cancel with your former operator.
  • We always respect the end date of our future customers’ contract to perform the portability. You avoid any penalty for early termination, except on your request.
  • Following your portability request, you are informed by SMS and email within 5 working days of the acceptance or rejection of your portability request by your current operator. The billing of your subscription will start on the day of your portability.

You already have a MUCHO subscription

Here is the procedure to follow:

You can make your portability request at any time by filling out our portability form and then returning it to us by email at contact@muchomobile.ch.

ID: FAQ_EXT-01_10095_1question
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