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  4. How do I cancel my subscription without giving 60 days’ notice?
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  3. Termination and suspension
  4. How do I cancel my subscription without giving 60 days’ notice?
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  2. Manage my mobile account
  3. Cancellation and suspension
  4. How do I cancel my subscription without giving 60 days’ notice?

How do I cancel my subscription without giving 60 days’ notice?

You can terminate your subscription contract free of charge with a deadline of 60 days for the end of a month.

If you do not wish to comply with this 60-day deadline for the end of the month, an administrative fee for early termination will be applied. These administrative costs in the event of cancellation not respecting the notice period amount to a penalty of CHF 50 to which two monthly payments are added (excluding the promotional price).

For example, for a MUCHO SWISS subscription, the costs of cancellation without respecting the 60-day notice period amount to CHF 50.00 + two monthly payments of CHF 49.90, i.e. CHF 148.80. Please note that all non-subscription usage between the last paid invoice and the date of termination will also be charged.

The minimum notice period (without observing the notice period) is 10 working days.

Subscriptions can only be terminated by telephone (0800 077 800). Cancellations by post or email are not valid.

Full details are available in our current terms and conditions.

ID: FAQ_EXT-03_10005_1question
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