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  4. I am waiting for portability, why can’t I use my subscription?
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  3. Cancellation and suspension
  4. I am waiting for portability, why can’t I use my subscription?

I am waiting for portability, why can’t I use my subscription?

In the case of portability, the subscription will start at the latest on the desired portability date provided that it is accepted by your current operator according to the duration of the contract between you and them.

If you want to start immediately, without waiting for the date of portability of your mobile number, it is perfectly possible. To do this, request the immediate start of the subscription via the contact form.

As long as your subscription has not started, your myMUCHO cockpit is inaccessible and your MUCHO number is inactive. Billing will start on the day your MUCHO subscription is activated.

In other (rare) cases where a subscription would remain in successive portability acceptance failures for more than 30 days, the subscription starts with the delivered MUCHO number, no later than 31 days after the subscription is concluded.

ID: FAQ_EXT-06_10152_1question
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