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  2. Mobile abos
  3. Conditions and paiement
  4. I am already a MUCHO customer and I want to order a subscription, do I have to pay the activation fees?
  1. Home
  2. Prepaid packs
  3. Conditions and paiements
  4. I am already a MUCHO customer and I want to order a subscription, do I have to pay the activation fees?
  1. Home
  2. Mobile abos
  3. Conditions and paiement
  4. I am already a MUCHO customer and I want to order a subscription, do I have to pay the activation fees?

I am already a MUCHO customer and I want to order a subscription, do I have to pay the activation fees?

Subscriptions have their own rules that involve additional costs for registration, credit checks and receivables management that prepaid does not.

That’s why we have a one-time activation fee applicable for any MUCHO mobile subscription order (incidentally, one of the most affordable fees in the Swiss mobile market).

ID: FAQ_EXT-05_10064_1question
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